Category Archives: Rome


>   Keep A Tranquil Mind Remember in difficult times tokeep a tranquil mind, and in good timesto keep from becoming overjoyed,my Dellius who is yet to die, whether you live always in sadnessor on festal days in far-off fieldreclining … Συνέχεια


Posted in Greek poets, Horace, photography, PHOTOS, poetry, Rome, serenity | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο >Serenity

>Gods In Color: Painted Sculpture Of Classical Antiquity :: COLOURlovers

> via A recent touring exhibition is turning a long held common belief on its head. The common perception is that the great statues and buildings of ancient Greece and Rome were all pure unpainted stone or green tarnished … Συνέχεια


Posted in archaeology, classical Antiquity, color, colour, Greece, Greek mythology., painted, painting, radiation, Rome, sculpture, technology, ultra violet | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο >Gods In Color: Painted Sculpture Of Classical Antiquity :: COLOURlovers